Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Nutrition of Cum & Wonder of the Clit.

What really happens when you take someone’s sex juices in your mouth?

By BareAmy83 & LePenseur. Listen to the Podcast at How To Sex.

Today we’re talking about the thrill of ministering to your sex partner’s wonderful playground right between two legs. And today we’re discussing the oral delight to the mouth. This is the safest sex act involving penetration. The first report comes from BareAmy83. She’s so delighted for all the health benefits she derives from her man’s semen. But it’s her story to tell, so here she is.

The Science of Cum

 Why Blowjobs Are a LOT Sexier Than You Ever Imagined.

Author’s Note: I have pooled various internet research, studies, facts and figures in order to give you an interesting way of looking at something we all may take for granted in our sexual lives: oral sex and the male ejaculation. I am by no means a scientist or doctor, and none of what you read is intended as medicinal advice, it’s just something that I found rather neat and slightly kinky, and want to share with anyone who has a passing interest in what happens when you go down on a man and swallow his cum.

Enjoy and happy blowjob giving!


Oral sex is one of the safest acts of sex between two people. There is absolutely no risk of pregnancy when a couple engages in pleasing each other orally. Bringing your partner to a satisfying climax is enjoyable for both the giver and the receiver. And for those of us who are sexual ‘submissives’, we are often called upon to orally please our Sir or Madam, or even other people.

While giving oral sex to a female can be incredibly rewarding, the focus of this essay is to focus on the immediate outcome of successful oral sex given to a man, by stimulating his penis with your mouth to the point of ejaculation.

And more to the point, what *actually* happens when a male ejaculates into someone’s mouth?

Sure, there’s a satisfying orgasm for that person, but for the person giving the blowjob, it goes beyond the simple receiving of semen into the mouth.

And, depending on how you look at it, the outcome from receiving that load of semen is either disgusting or sexy.

Personally, I feel it to be insanely sexy!

To understand what happens when you receive a load of semen in your mouth, let’s first talk about the area receiving most of the “action”: your tongue.


The human tongue is actually the largest muscle in your body. It aids in chewing and digestion, speaking and breathing. Your tongue runs from your hyoid bone (in the middle of your neck) to the floor of your mouth.

Your tongue is mostly made of muscles, anchored to your mouth by a web of strong tissue, and covered in mucosa (a moist pink lining that covers certain organs and body cavities). It is sensitive and kept moist by saliva and is richly supplied with nerves and blood vessels. The upper part of the tongue is covered by four different types of taste buds housed in lingual papillae:

Filiform: taking up the front 2/3rds of your tongue, they do not contain taste buds.

Fungiform: mushroom-like in appearance, they are on the sides and tip of your tongue, and consist of about 1,600 taste buds

Circumallate: small bumps on the back of the tongue, containing about 250 taste buds.

Foliate: rough golds of tissue, containing several hundred taste buds.

Taste buds are clusters of nerve cells that send sensory messages to your brain for five different tastes: sweet, salty, bitter, sour and savory. Although people think that different areas of the tongue taste different things, that is not true. All taste buds can detect the five tastes, but some are more sensitive towards certain tastes.

In total, the human tongue has from 2,000 to 8,000 taste buds. Each bud has 50 to 100 taste gustatory hairs, or receptors. These receptors pick up different chemicals and send a signal the brain that it has a particular nutrient in it that is either good or bad for the body.


When a male ejaculates into the mouth cavity, a whitish fluid called semen is disgorged from the penis. Semen (also known as “ejaculate” or “cum” or even the slang term “seed”) consists of liquids from the prostate, seminal vesicles and bulbourethral glands, and contains sperm (male reproductive cells), sugars, proteins, and even some vitamins and minerals.

A typical ejaculation will have 15 million to 200 million sperm per milliliter.

Semen is a delivery method, and once delivered, it’s the sperm’s job to get to work, regardless of where it is placed. In a warm, wet environment, the sperm will thrive, sometimes up to five days. In a very cold area, or even in hot water, sperm will die quickly.

This is where things get interesting.


Each sperm has one job: find a female egg and fertilize it for purposes of reproduction. When millions of sperm are released, they work their way through the area, testing every possible crevice to achieve their goal.

In the mouth, that means that a majority of sperm and going to be diving into the taste pores of the tongue and interacting with the taste receptor cell and basal cell. The sperm does not know that the taste cell is not an egg, and will try very hard to penetrate the taste bud. The rapid movement of the sperm cell and seminal “cocktail” fluid will trigger a taste response that cannot be explained by “normal” flavors. Nearly every taste bud will have a sperm try to enter it.

The longer the seminal fluid and sperm stay on the tongue, the more intense the stimuli from the taste buds will be.

Because seminal fluid contains sugars, minerals and other flavors, the brain will presume that the fluid is present to help aid the body. Sugar signals the presence of carbohydrates, which is an energy source. Salt is essential for maintaining the body’s water balance and blood circulation. Other tastes, such as glutamate and amino acids reflect food’s protein content.

The brain, feeling these items are necessary, will pump extra saliva into the mouth. Saliva will help to prolong the sperm’s lifespan.

Saliva will also help break down the clumps of sperm into a more lubricated liquid that increases sperm life and coats deep within the cell walls of the mouth. Thus, sperm will explore beyond the tongue, into the walls, roof, and jaw of the mouth, as well as down the throat, seeking that ever-elusive (and, sadly, not-at-all-present) egg for fertilization.

Diving back that deep into the mouth and throat will trigger an active swallow response. Even after the sperm have been consumed, they are still actively seeking any openings they can find to penetrate. Cheek and tongue cells will be penetrated by the sperm. The introduction of water (aka “Trying to get the taste out of your mouth”) will not remove the penetrated sperm. Once it’s embedded, it’s staying embedded.

In around 15 minutes, the immune system will receive signals that cells are damaged and that a foreign substance (the sperm) is present, and it will being to try to repair and remove the offenders. This will cause inflammation in the area. The inflammation swells around the cells, pores and cavities that the sperm has embedded itself within.

The immune system can only rid itself of the sperm through the blood stream, so it pulls the sperm into the body and circulates it.

Within 30 minutes, millions of sperm are in nearly every organ of the body, including the brain.

Psychological Effects

The sperm can attach to active sites of proteins, causing neurotransmitters to be released. With a higher volume of sperm consumption, this can result in an emotionally induced pleasure, or “high”. Some refer to it by a much more base, slang term: “Cum Drunk”. Because it creates this high, the brain remembers it and will begin to associate sperm consumption with a pleasurable feeling, similar to nicotine.

Although it’s certainly not been proven, it’s been postulated that some nymphomaniacs or even sex workers and porn stars can develop a craving, or even addiction, to sperm consumption over time. It’s also been theorized that the high created by sperm consumption can be a defense mechanism against depression in some people.

Consumption of sperm has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. It also can increase sex drive, especially within women, in large doses.

Typically, within 40 minutes, the sperm that remains in the mouth denatures and dies. Saliva breaks it down further and a specific scent will remain, typified by a bleach and ocean scent. The coating in the mouth and throat will begin to dissolve and go away.

Any dry, dead sperm outside the mouth with become stiff due to the organic polymer within seminal fluid, tightening the skin. Thick seminal fluid that drives will begin to flake and peel.

Any semen consumed by the body will think it is food and use it for cell regeneration.

The body will use it to make new cells.

The sperm literally becomes a part of you.

By BareAmy83 for Literotica.

Rapturous Clitoris

Clitoris, why are you yet so fair?

By LePenseur

I have a confession to make: I am entranced by the clitoris.

Ever since I learned about it, I wanted to see one for real. I wanted to watch it swell into a blushing pearl, and tentatively wrap my tongue around it and send a girl through the roof. I did eventually tongue a girl’s clitoris, and it was every bit as delightful as I had hoped. She didn’t go through the roof, sadly.

But that wasn’t the end of it. Every lover I have, I long to see her clitoris. Because, in my mind, the clitoris is the single sexiest part of the female body. It’s almost a fixation. I love to stare at a clitoris, stroke a clitoris, tongue a clitoris, run the velvety underside of my penis on a clitoris. When I watch an adult movie, I look for clitorises. And when I read erotic literature, there had better be lots of gratuitous clitoris play, or I’ll be tempted to move on.

I always pronounce it “KLIT-oh-riss.” I’m aware of an alternate pronunciation, “klit-ORE-iss”, but I don’t like it as much. And it’s very trendy and common to talk about a “clit”, but that to me seems to abrupt. It’s a beautiful organ and deserves a beautiful name. No need to cut it short. In my mind, saying the full “clitoris” means you’re talking about a thoroughly fascinating and sexy part of the body for longer, and therefore I say clitoris and not clit. Twice as many letters, twice as sexy.

Now, there are other parts down there too. There’s the vagina, which is nice and very sexy when wet, but I feel it’s overrated. The inner labia are wonderful too, with so many shapes and sizes and colors to fantasize about. I like the way the skin folds and stretches, and I love the rich pink everything turns when a woman is aroused. And when you top it all off with the swollen purple button of an engorged clitoris? Breathtaking.

I know, I know, there are other parts of a woman too. But as of the time of this writing, I am in my early twenties and fairly sexually inexperienced. I can’t help it. The center of womanhood, especially the clitoris, is one of the most arrestingly beautiful things on this earth. I can’t help but admire it, worship it even. Nothing turns me on more than seeing a clitoris, straining past its hood, taut with desire.

Don’t take this to mean that bigger is always better. A clitoris is at its best when it looks at home in its gorgeous surroundings. Artificially enlarging it makes it look out of place and uncomfortable. In my opinion, a clitoris that relies on pumps or steroids is trying way too hard. No clitoris is naturally unattractive, but it’s easy to make a clitoris unnaturally unattractive. There’s no size contest here.

Similarly, while I drool over the clitoris to no end, I don’t want one of my own. I quite like my penis, we’ve been very good to one another. Plus, it’s always more fun to play with somebody else’s body parts. Drawing my finger or tongue along a wet clitoris’s sheer surface and hearing a woman moan is heavenly. It wouldn’t be the same if it were my own.

So what makes a clitoris attractive? I wish I could answer this question better, because this answer sounds downright silly. But the fact of the matter is, when presented with a clitoris, I always think it’s the most beautiful clitoris I’ve seen yet. Memories can’t bring back the raw lust and desire I feel when I’m looking at an erect clitoris just inches from my face, and I don’t even try. I will stare at your clitoris, maybe take a few deep breaths. My eyes will shine. I will tell you it’s absolutely the prettiest clitoris I’ve ever seen. And I’ll mean it.

Sometimes I wonder what people would think if they knew about this obsession. Guys probably wouldn’t be too impressed, mostly. I don’t know what most girls would think, though I can’t imagine they’d mind very much. It’s too bad there’s only so much you can say in public. “Hey there. I’m single, I’m tall and I’m thin, I’m acceptably good-looking, I speak fluent French, I’m studying to be a teacher, I’m a lot more thoughtful than most guys, and I get turned on by licking a clitoris for forty-five minutes straight. If we wind up in bed together, would you mind if I tried for even longer?”

An eager, straining clitoris. It makes me smile, just thinking about it. I love everything about the clitoris.

I love how a clitoris swells when aroused. I love the way a clitoris turns a dusky lavender, or maybe a bright ruby red, and I love seeing its shape nestled among wet folds. I love to watch a clitoris shyly peek its head out of the hood, and I love to see a clitoris already proudly presented, haughty and demanding attention. I love to lick along the labia and roll a woman’s nipples and watch her clitoris pulse urgently.

I love to spread a woman’s cum on her labia and admire how it glistens. I love massaging that cum into her engorged clitoris, then slowly licking it off with the tip of my tongue. I like to eat a woman out until we’ve lost track of both time and orgasms, then pull back and see how her clitoris cries out for more attention, shining and throbbing with desire. I love to slowly circle my thumb over a hard clitoris and feel its firm texture among hot, soaked folds. I love to sink my penis into a woman, pumping my hard, veined flesh in and out and rubbing my thumb on her clitoris at the same time.

I love to feel a pulsing clitoris in my mouth. I love to run every taste bud along the smooth, eager surface. I love to release it, then trap it again. I love to use my tongue and dance with a clitoris; sometimes a soft, slow waltz, and other times a swift, firm ballet or a frantic, eager grind. I like to gracefully pirouette around a clitoris, lift it without warning, then catch it again in my tongue’s warm, wet embrace.

The clitoris enthralls and enchants me. The clitoris delights me.

The clitoris is a work of art.

By LePenseur for Literotica