Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Ideal Penis: Part 1

No matter your size, you can make it work for you.

By Dancing SpriteWorld Data.infoRisia Skye, & nh play guy. Listen to the Podcast at How-to Sex.

We’re taking plenty of time for this issue, because it has a lot of myths, yet it impacts much of how we interact.

In the same way that busty women often carry themselves in a confident aura, and often intimidate other women, Some men have a confidence that is tied to their ‘package’. Men who don’t have super-sized packages, sometimes feel a significant lack of confidence.

Never mind that longer, thicker men are usually denied uncomfortable intercourse from many women. And they are almost always deprived of alternative sex act like fellatio and anal penetration.

Some men are also adverse to the attention they draw for their larger physiology; just as some women don’t like being stereotyped for having big tits.

How does your equipment compare to others? Find out!

Dancing Sprite provides some historic statistics, so our further conversations will be based on a proper perspective.

Few questions seem to occupy men as much as the size of their dicks. Is it too short? Will my girl think I’m a bad lover or even laugh at me because it’s shorter than others she’s had? Is it long enough to reach every nook and cranny of her pussy and stimulate each and every nerve ending? How does my dick compare to others? Is it longer? Shorter? Average?

Questions upon questions. Especially avid readers of porn stories, who regularly come across  tales of 10", 12", or even 15" cocks, often can’t help comparing these specimens to their own equipment and, not surprisingly, find their own dicks to be much smaller than the ones they read about. The question that has to come up sooner or later is: who’s the freak, the guy in the story with the 12" monster or me with my 5" dick? How long is the average human penis, anyway?

Despite widespread interest in this question, however, there are surprisingly few scientific studies which could give us a definitive answer. Instead, as always, when solid information is scarce, rumors and speculations run rampant. Even basic facts become the subject of heated arguments among locker room buddies and many men are more confused than ever. Most obvious is the fact that, according to leading sexologists, almost 80 percent of all men secretly believe that their dick is shorter than average.

While the optimum penis size will probably always remain subject to debate, at least the average size doesn’t have to be.

Kinsey Institute Weighs In

The first extensive study of penis sizes was undertaken by the Alfred C. Kinsey Institute for Sex Research in the mid-1940s and found the average penis to be 6.2" long. This study, which is still kind of an authority on the subject, had one flaw, however: participants in the study were never actually measured; they were given stamped postcards on which they marked the length of their erect penises, then mailed the results back to the institute. This procedure was often criticized for its lack of supervision of the participants and the possibility of distortions due to inaccurate measurements or downright cheating. It’s called ‘self-reporting’ and is widely discredited for clinical research protocols.

After the Kinsey report, several other studies on the same subject followed, conducted among others by the University of California in San Francisco and the Lifestyles Condom Company. These studies came to slightly different results, but all found the average penis length to be somewhere about 10 shorter than Kinsey; between 5.1" and 5.9".

As is the case with most objects in nature, the distribution of penis lengths follows a bell curve. The line peaks just under 6" and falls to both sides; the farther away you get from the statistical average, the less frequent a certain length occurs. In fact, about 90 percent of all penises are between 5" and 7" long.

The longest penis ever described in medical literature, a 14" specimen, was mentioned in a book by Dr. David Reuben, but since he didn’t give a source and the measurement could not be independently verified, scientists tend to disregard that report. The longest medically verified penis is not far behind, however; in the early 20th century, Dr. Robert Dickinson came across a 13 point 5" penis, which still holds the record. Other studies found various penises between 9" and 12", but organs of this length are in fact quite rare.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, the smallest fully functional penises documented in medical literature measure around point 5" in length. While many people might balk at the description of a half-inch dick as “fully functional,” in this context it means being able to get erect and have an ejaculation(somehow).

Your Turn To survey.

In case you’ve never measured your own dick and are wondering how to do it correctly, it’s easy: first you need to get an erection, then you stand upright and hold your penis at a 90 degree angle from your pelvic bone, i.e. parallel to the floor. Now place a ruler on top of it, press it lightly against your pelvic bone, and read the number off the ruler where the tip is. Don’t cheat!

Now, before you decide to throw a party because your dick is longer than average after all, or jump off a bridge because it really is shorter, here’s the result of another study:

Most women don’t care!

About 80 percent of the women who were interviewed expressed no preference for penis size; they said that what a man is able to do with it is the important thing, not its size. And while some women do indeed prefer long dicks, the majority of the remaining 20 percent said they didn’t like large penises because they hurt.

There you have it, guys. Don’t worry about its size, just use it and have fun! recently conducted a global ‘self-reporting’ survey.

They found no association between age or body mass.

No other topic on this website has been asked for more often than the average size of male genitalia. This international comparison now gives some basic data about the mean sizes per country.

Over all countries, the average size of a penis is about 5.35". The longest ones are 6.93" long on average and carried by men in Ecuador. The average length in Cambodia is only 3.95", which is about 6.1 percent of the body height.

Among Caucasians, the nations of Georgia, France, Netherlands, and Canada were all slightly longer than 6”, while most Asian and Middle Eastern nations fell short of 5”.

The USA, Russia, Japan, India, & the British men all approached 5 point 5 inches.

Clearly, Southeast Asian men were have the smallest average cocks; in the 4” range.

The average cock lengthens 50% when transitioning from a warm dry flaccid state, to a rigid & fully erect state.

A little frank talk about the (un)importance of size

And now let’s talk a while about how a woman deals with a man’s phallus, and what she needs.

What Can A Woman Handle?

By Risia Skye

Myth: Secretly, women all really want an enormously endowed man and only pretend not to; so as not to hurt men’s feelings. Men, how many times have you heard women say that it doesn’t matter; and how many of other times have you heard comedians make jokes about what a lie this is? Which do you believe, or do you not know what to think anymore? Women, surely you’ve noticed that men seem to worry a great deal about the size of their cocks, right? In all likelihood, you’ve even measured at least one hard-on for a partner who was “just curious.” Ever wonder what causes that anxiety? Well, no wonder they’re confused and even scared about how their equipment “measures up”; with all the mixed messages out there, it’s a wonder men aren’t more obsessed with the size question. It’s tough enough to get naked in front of another person and open one’s self to body judgement, let alone taking that risk when you can’t even tell what’s attractive to the opposite sex, much less whether or not you fit the bill.

Reality: Penis size doesn’t (really) matter. The truth is that there’s no simple, always true for all women, standard answer as to what’s the best size, for a variety of reasons. Pussies are differently sized, for one thing, and are thus optimally stimulated by different sizes and shapes of cock. Also, there’s a great deal of truth to the old adage that “it’s not the size of the wave, but the motion of the ocean.” While among ourselves, most women will admit that penis size does have some impact on sexual satisfaction, there’s a lot of wrong ideas (especially among men) about what that really means. For one thing, while most men seem to focus their size-anxieties on it, most women don’t really care about length; the average vagina is only 4 to 5 inches deep, and the average erection is slightly over five inches, so that all works out just fine the majority of the time. Circumference, on the other hand, can seriously affect the experience of intercourse. Women, by and large, enjoy the sensation of fullness that can only come from girth; it’s the flip side to men’s enjoyment of a tight, clenching pussy.

And, even if a man has limited endowment; in both length and girth; he can be a skilled and fully satisfying sexual partner for most women. A smaller than average erection doesn’t equate to a bad lover because attentive foreplay and technical proficiency go a long way; rather than sweat the issue or do silly things like buy products which claim to increase size, you’d be better off accepting your body and learning to make optimal use of the equipment you were dealt by the hand of Fate. In fact, regardless of penis size, every man has the potential to be a good lover; and the best way to start is by taking the focus off of genital measurements and redirecting it toward a much broader idea of eroticism and sex appeal. Learning to use the whole body and mind during the sexual experience, rather than relying upon erection size as the barometer of sexual prowess, makes for a much better lover.

Corollary myth: a big cock makes for a good lover. First, I’m not denying that some women really are size queens; they truly do prefer, or even insist upon, sexual partners with larger (sometimes significantly so) than average organs. Let’s address the size-focused minority first and get it out of the way: there are three principle groups of female size queens and size-fantasists. Some see it as exotic, often associating cock size with race or some other way in which the ideal partner is different from the woman; much the same way a man might eroticize Asian women based on stereotypical images of the submissive “Lotus Flower” or the sexually voracious bitch-goddess known as the “Dragon Lady.” For this group of women, penis size is often occupying the place of the real turn-on because the implications of the fantasy are uncomfortable; for example, given U.S. cultural history, what does it mean for a white woman to fantasize about being fucked senseless by a big, well-muscled and hugely endowed black man? And who wants to think about history, racist stereotypes, and cultural role reversal taboos when they’re trying to get off anyway? Other women actually like a plus-sized erection because it’s tougher to have satisfying sex with than average-sized equipment; think of it as a scaled down version of the attraction to Mt. Everest.

Corollary reality: a larger than average penis can actually make sex much more difficult, frustrating, and even painful. And some women actually sexually desire oversized phalluses because the sexual experience might be difficult due to size. Particularly for women who consider themselves skilled and experienced in bed, taking pride in this image of themselves, encountering a particularly daunting erection is a challenge to their self-image that cannot go unanswered, and having “been there and done that” will add another notch to their accumulation of diverse sexual experiences. Also, sexual masochism is more prevalent among women than men, which means that some women actually desire to be penetrated by uncomfortably or even painfully large phalluses; while heterosexual men are the least likely to understand this, because they’re statistically the least likely to find pleasure in masochism.

Even if a particular woman really and truly only wants to have sex with jumbo-sized members, a big erection doesn’t automatically equate to a good sexual experience. Much like the prettiest girl in high school tended to get away with being a bitch to everyone else, well-endowed men often seem to consider the size of their package a license for laziness in bed, treating it as the reincarnation of cavemen’s clubs; as though women will simply fall at their feet in a swoon of sexual frenzy from the mere sight of the thing. Having a big one means a whole lot more to men than it does to most women, and it does absolutely nothing to make a man better in bed; in fact, a man with a truly large penis who lacks skill is often actively worse than an average sized man of the same skill because a large erection is difficult to manipulate, a challenge to perform oral sex on, and hurts to fuck if it’s done badly.

Global Cock Research and commentary

Finally, we’ll finish part 1 of this topic with a man’s insights and research.

Size Ain’t Everything, and I can Prove It.

How much of an issue is a man’s size?

By nh play guy

I’m a 45 year old, married man who, I’m reluctant to admit, has cheated many times over the years. Of all the women I’ve been with; and the number is probably close to two dozen; I’ve never once been the “biggest” guy they’d ever been with. Usually I wasn’t as big as the guy they were currently with. Yep, that’s right, most of these women were married; or at least in a relationship with someone else; someone who was well endowed.

Maybe I should describe my “self” before I go too far. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I’m not an under-endowed guy with 3 or 4 inches. Actually, if the statistics I keep hearing are correct; that the average size is between 5 and 6 inches; then I’m on the high end of average or perhaps slightly larger. That said, every woman I’ve been with was used to a bigger guy. Excluding the unusual instance of simply not being compatible, every one of them preferred sex with me over sex with the larger man she was accustomed to.

When pressed, they admitted it wasn’t that the other guy was too big; most of them usually did like the size (or at least didn’t object to it). No, it was more the sex itself that wasn’t what it could be for them.

My own opinion is that these men are at least somewhat aware that they’re comparatively well-endowed and they think that’s enough. They simply don’t try to please the woman because they think that the sheer size will “impress” them and please them.

I, on the other hand, do try to please my partner. Yes, of course there are times when I’m selfish, but that’s the exception. As a rule, I get the most pleasure from the knowledge that my partner was well and thoroughly pleased.

So anyway, based on my experience, I’m convinced that size isn’t that much of an issue. It’s probably important to at least have “enough”; whatever that might be; but beyond that, it’s just a bonus.

What I had a tricky time understanding was, if I’m average size (statistic-wise), how is it that all these women think I’m small? In all seriousness, I was becoming depressed over it. I started wondering if the statistics were false; made up in order to buoy the fragile male ego.

I tried every way I could think of to get to the truth about size. I consulted web sites, articles, reference books; I even asked a few of my female friends about their size preference. Everything seemed to reinforce the 5 to 6 inch average.

It seems to me that there are three likely reasons for these women to consider me small.

The first Possibility

As mentioned above, is that average size is really bigger than I think, and I really am actually small. Now, I really did do my best to find the truth and can tell you without influence of ego that I’m satisfied that’s not the case.

So that leaves a second  possibility.

As alluded to earlier, perhaps these larger endowed men are just selfish and lazy lovers. After all, none of these women were with me because they were dissatisfied with another average or smaller guy. No, they were all used to being with bigger men. So maybe that’s the answer; bigger guys are just lazy lovers. I guess that’s possible. But I can’t believe that’s true of all of them. Sure, maybe some, but all? I have a hard time accepting that.

So that brings us to the third possibility.

Maybe these women who are fortunate enough to attract well-hung men also just happen to be women who enjoy sexual variety.

If we explore that a little deeper, we’ll most likely find that these women are extremely sexual creatures. They probably exude confidence and sexuality. If that’s true, it may stand to reason that only a man who knows he’s well-endowed would have the necessary confidence (and therefore, courage) to actually approach these women. With few exceptions, women will select a man from among those who openly show an interest. Women don’t usually make the first move.

Okay, so here’s what we have: a woman who’s very sexy and perhaps a little intimidating. Only the most confident of men will make an advance on her. The reason these men are so sexually confident in the first place is (speculatively) because they’re well endowed. Therefore, the only men these women are ever with are well hung men.

But there’s good news. Remember above I said these women like sexual variety? So you and I have a chance. As long as we’re not assholes, and the woman in question (not knowing what’s in our pants) finds us otherwise attractive, we just have to have the balls to approach them.

Once we’ve gotten our chance though; and this is important guys; don’t fuck up. Remember, we’re not the big luxury-liner that doesn’t even have to try in order to be impressive. No, we’re more like “the little engine that could”. We keep trying and doing whatever it takes to please her.

Don’t forget, odds are, she’s always had bigger guys, so she may be surprised when she sees you (most likely she won’t embarrass you though, so don’t get all uptight). So you have to impress her with your attentiveness and; dare I say it; confidence (not arrogance; that’s for those other guys with the big dicks; you know, the guys who’s women you’re screwing because they are arrogant).

Now that we’ve got that straightened out, I’d like to talk about the other side of this; because you may not be aware of it, but this whole thing is a giant double-standard. “What do you mean?” You ask.

Here we are, a bunch of average guys, whining about how life’s not fair. “I’d have a better chance with the ladies and I’d be a lot happier and all would be right with the world; if only I had a bigger dick.” For crying out loud, quit your belly-aching.

What about all the women who you never even consider because they don’t match you idea of perfection? Most of these women are lovely and sexy in their own right. Unfortunately, it requires someone who’s not narrow-minded to see it.

Maybe they have a little more meat on their bones than you like (don’t knock it, you probably don’t know what you’re missing). Maybe they’re a little older (trust me; definitely don’t knock that). Maybe they simply suffer from the curse of being average (sound familiar?). I’ve been with several women; some from each of those “categories”; and let me tell you: they will rock your world if you just give them a chance.

Think about this: do you know the other dirty little secret to this double-standard? You know how the guys with the big dicks are arrogant and selfish (some of them)? Well guess what these beautiful, sexy, ideal-looking love goddesses are like (some of them).

It works both ways guys.

By nh play guy

Our next episode will include insights from a hyper-active swinger named Evangelina, whose had many many men, yet her own husband measures a bit shorter than average.

To be continued in Part 2

By Dancing SpriteRisiaSkyenh play guy, &, from How-To Sex Podcast