Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Pregnancy Sex

 Weird Hormones and suppressed fetishes can make expecting, a delight.

By various parents. Listen to the podcast at How To Sex.

A young and frisky married couple is contemplating having a baby. They’re seeking advice on lots of things, but the question that came to us is;

“What is sex like, during pregnancy and after? Some details are straight-forward and answers are easy. Like;

It’s rare for an obstetrician to recommend any limits on sexual intercourse, and in those rare situations, Couples can utilize their other means of sexually satisfying each other’s cravings.

What a medical professional can’t tell you, is how your morning sickness and late term discomfort will take a toll on your libido. And then there are other hang-ups, like knowing your child is fractions of an inch from where daddy’s parts are rubbing mommy’s parts.

Pregnancy does amazing things to a woman’s complexion, and bustline. That usually draws her man’s attention. But the last weeks of pregnancy have common discomforts. But after delivery, her vagina needs a break for about 6 weeks.  Couples sometimes have to put effort into getting back in the grove of sexual intimacy, only this time a baby can interrupt anything.

So it’s especially important to have great sex before a seasonal post-partum drought hits your sex life.

Well, we’re going to give you lots of perspectives, for couples who’ve been through this unique phase. Enjoy! Here’s what some experienced folks said;

First trimester it sucked. I was chronically sick, didn’t feel sexy, couldn’t orgasm , it was horrible. Second trimester a switch flipped , my vagina became engorged with blood , I feel tighter , hornier , wetter. I want my man now. I’m just blessed I have a homey who goes through this crazy cycle with me because now it feels so good and I can’t get enough of him but the first trimester sucked



Fun. It forced my wife and me to explore a lot of new positions and techniques. I also got a lot better at oral because toward the end of pregnancy that was the easiest way for her to have an orgasm due to being limited to only a few positions.



With my first pregnancy it was great. I wanted to do it a lot of the time and could climax with just penetration what until that point had never happened before. Eventually, by week 34, PGP kicked in and there was nothing until 6-8 weeks after my c-section.

My third pregnancy was the opposite, I had severe morning sickness/nausea till week 15-16, then hardly had any sex drive till week 25 when I had a persistant pelvic pain and it was physically impossible to do it anymore. I can count on one hand how many times we had sex between finding out I was pregnant at 3 weeks gestation till 20 weeks after my c-section.

Complete Honesty


When my woman was pregnant - it was top tier sex. I Would recommend, if you’re partner is down for it!

Raven heart


I was in the mood all the time with all 5 of my pregnancies. The drawback is, after I had each one; my libido went on an extended vacation for a years or so, so I’d have to fake it, fake interest, fake the orgasms, all of it.

Then with pregnancies 4 and 5, each orgasm would cause my uterus to contract, even at 6 weeks pregnant it happened, making me not really want the orgasms. Odd shit

boys mom


I was in Japan for much of the pregnancy of our first son. I was home for our 2nd son’s pregnancy. I think I'd rather have been back in Japan! The wifey was insatiable! Monday thru Friday, at 5am, wham bam thank you ma'am!

5 Pm, wham bam thank you ma'am. On the weekends, it was thrice per day. Same with our third, a baby girl!

done good


I Dunno. I guess I was too gross for my hubby to even want it. He never tried. But the do-it-yourself release was epic.



It was Tiring when she got a high sex drive spell. Oh, God! She had a honey spell for a whole week. I was right tired all week

Prairie Chocolate


Didn’t have it, husband stayed the fuck away from me, we only did it a few times during pregnancy and it was awful, especially at the end when trying to go into labor, I felt like a beached whale

Creep in cupcake


Best sex of our marriage, her sex drive finally matched mine, she gets a little thicker, her breast are engorged and plump, and I could leave it in and fall asleep. Its probably why we had 4 kids, now that I think about it.

Definition Primary


Once I hit the second trimester, I was a total horn dog!



Pretty bad honestly. We tried once or twice but I had this mental block that I could hurt her or the baby, even though I know it's very unlikely. Some people have a pregnancy fetish or aren't bothered by it at all; but I'm not one of those people. Made me feel super guilty whenever my wife was horny.



Some of the best sex I’ve had. The only time I’ve ever gushed.

spagooter and mash


My wife and I were going at it constantly, almost every day!



My libido is a little higher. Although during the later months of pregnancy some positions are off the table.

Boog Tot


You can nut in her as much as you want!



Much, much better until that last trimester. Then it was a struggle, uncomfortable, and orgasms gave me terrible Braxton hicks. But yeah, for those first two trimesters; cannot get enough.

almost always except


Wife is pregnant with twins. She's more horny than she's ever been. Amazing sex!

mario z


It Depends.

With the First pregnancy, first trimester sucked, second one was great, third, I was horny as hell but sex hurt so bad. So I basically kept dragging my husband into the bedroom, convincing him I would be ok, and then regretting it once we started .

With the Second pregnancy, first trimester was ok, but second and third were phenomenal. I dunno what happened, but all the stars aligned and my libido was only beaten by my newfound sensitivity. Husband had a blast too.

Goose G


Unfortunately, almost non-existent with my partner. Lots of masturbation

One Curious Yogi


The positions were hard but it honestly feels so much better after I got pregnant and had the baby.

Couldn't understand what the hype was about before.

Not that it didn't feel good before either, just wasn't nearly as good as it is now.

Flat worm


Absolutely best! She had this extra blood flow down there and as a result all the labia and all that were way more puffy than usual. The sensation was phenomenal!

mg macius


Non existent. He refused to do it.

And then would lay next to me when he thought I was asleep and jerk off.

I was so huge I couldn't even touch myself so I was just miserable both pregnancies.



My wife is always really shy and would tell me the next day that she wanted to wake me up in the middle of the night and make love. I kept saying “why didn’t you?”

mighty jor


It was great, and I swear having sex like every day, or every other day throughout the pregnancy, is what kept me from having any tearing when I gave birth both times.

 Until the last two weeks before I gave birth, then it got super painful so we had to stop then. But otherwise it’s wonderful. I also was not a squirter before I ever got pregnant. And then after I got pregnant with my first baby, I started squirting and I’m thankful that was something that stuck around after the pregnancy.



I loved it. I already like curvy women which my wife is. So all the extra curves that come with pregnancy, drove me wild. Super sweet as well.

norml enough


I considered myself to have a higher-than-average sex drive prior to pregnancy, so my husband and I were curious just how horny I’d be once I was pregnant given what I’d heard from other women.

Turns out: not horny at all. Libido went back to baseline within a month postpartum, thank god, but I had less than no interest in sex during pregnancy. My husband also thought my pregnant body was super sexy, so that was a pretty big bummer for him

c dubs b


During my wife's first pregnancy, I wanted nothing to do with it once she got a bigger belly, not because she wasn't attractive, more just fear. She basically had to pin me down a few times and beg me to do it.

tim 28


I always felt like I had to pee. Even if I just peed. It’s like my bladder was being squeezed from both sides. Honestly not ideal.

Human 420


From a man’s perspective; it was weird, but for some reason my woman was 10 times more beautiful when she was pregnant, almost like her skin had a certain glow, hard to explain.

 I was very happy about becoming a father, but regarding sex; I wasn't exactly thrilled all the time, when she wanted it.

 But with her hormones going amok i didn't mind too much, plus getting her to the point of orgasm was a lot easier when she wasn't pregnant. I barely had to do anything.

Well Okay


I was super horny during my third pregnancy. Around month 3-4 we were going at it and I started bleeding. After a call into the doc she said get to the er and get checked out. They did an internal ultrasound and it took forever to find the heartbeat. We thought we’d lost the baby. It traumatized my husband a lot. They found the heartbeat thankfully and all was well, but we had to take a break from sex for a while.

Once I was given the all clear to go ahead again by my doctor, husband didn’t want to have sex at all during pregnancy. The final 5 months of pregnancy and the 6-8 weeks after, waiting for my post-partum check-up and birth control to kick in was fucking torture for me.

It took a year and a half after she was born to get our sex routine back to normal.



Yea, my wife was super horny all the time. While it was awesome, it actually almost broke my penis. I had to ask my Commanding Officer if we were going to the field anytime soon, so I could give my Peter a rest.

I was gone two weeks for field exercises, (I’m a Marine) worst mistake of my life.

 She jumped my bones not even 10 secs into getting home from 2 weeks out in the desert of California. I had to wrestle her off me so I could at least go shower first. She joined me in the shower.

Then I didn't get any electrolytes for the next 6 hrs. My tummy was rumbling, and she didn't care. I swear by the next morning I looked like a corpse.

Don’t let a heavy pregnant woman ride cowgirl at high-speed, bucking bronco fury! One slip on the drop and Peter goes to E R.

Papa Marine


It varied each pregnancy. We had amazing ones with lots of orgasms.

And one pregnancy where it hurt literally so bad that we had to stop doing it all together, for like 4 months in a row!

Oh, and in the end, I had one position; the ‘stranded whale’ position. Ya know, where you’re so big you can’t do any positions other than looking like a stranded whale!



My ex-wife was not interested in sex while pregnant with both of our kids.

After a while she just wasn’t into sex at all; So maybe it wasn’t the pregnancy’s fault?

I think I could count the times we had pregnant sex on one hand. I took care of myself a lot during that time.

I’m not trying to get anyone else pregnant, these days



I ended up with an even higher sex drive than usual. Amazing until I got to 36 weeks; and then overnight, everything got so uncomfortable, it became a complete impossibility to have penatrative sex.



First pregnancy my wife was super horny and I wasn't really. Second pregnancy was the opposite.

Sad story.



I’m currently 7 months along. In my 1st trimester, I didn’t want much sex because of the nausea.

But from roughly 14 weeks or so to the present, I crave my hubby constantly. The sex is amazing!

I happen to want it more in the middle of the night, or mornings, or both!

Hubby had to set a time limit of acceptable times to wake him up during the night though; so he is able to go back to sleep before work. Which I respect .

Palpitation Future


My wife was a sex maniac. Plus, I didn't have to pull out before the blast of jizz. Best 9 months of my life!

ian j


At 39 weeks, I miss sex but I have no drive, which is just as well because the last time we did (like, a month or two ago), it was so uncomfortable I couldn't get there. And I'm even more swollen and sore now.

I can't wait for this to be over, I keep telling the baby, "Get out!"



It was amazing. Preggo boobs are the best! Pregnancy with my girlfriend enhanced our sex life. Her hormones were all fucked up so she wanted it a lot and I was thinking; “Hey, I don't have to pull out anymore.” Life was good.



With my first pregnancy, sex was great. The hormones made everything more intense and certain positions worked easily until quite late in the pregnancy.

I was hoping to repeat the experience in my second pregnancy; but having a toddler to care for while growing a second one, made me so tired that my husband barely ever saw me awake after the first kid fell asleep.

 I don't have many memories from my third pregnancy, to be honest.

jan in am


For some reason my wife wanted it all the time while pregnant. I think more for “I’m still sexy validation than anything.”

 Another thing, sex was fine but her cunt had a different smell, not bad but different. Sorta like I had a ‘fill-in’ sex kitten.



We're about 6 months along at this point, and my husband hasn't been able to even contemplate sex since we found out. He's a bit over-protective of the fetus. He doesn't like it when I poke my belly because the baby mightn't like that. I'll occassionally admit to him I'm sexually frustrated, and he agrees he is a bit, too. But he just can't. He explains he knows everyone says it's safe, but what if? Would you ever forgive yourself if something happened to the baby because of sex? Just not worth it.



My wife is pregnant right now. The sex is great other than dodging the baby bump.

Most men find their wife to be just as, or even more beautiful when they are pregnant.

Plus it’s always amazing to not have to, ah, pull out.



Sucks, to be honest. My orgasms caused immense pain, Braxton Hicks and a very hard stomach from a very angry baby in my uterus.

 Worst thing is, I'm so fucking horny all the time, but I have no interest in dealing with all the suffering during and afterwards.

It's hard to find an angle that doesn't hurt, and the gunk that comes out over the next few days is absolutely disgusting and worrisome.

Plus, I’m too heavy and bulky. I can't find the right position. I get tired and sore too quickly.

Pristine Princess


My wife was super horny up until 3rd trimester.

5 stars, Product surpassed expectations, service was amazing, and she came faster than expected! Yes, I would reorder, and recommend to others!



I think we actually triggered labor. I was full term, as it all started about 6 hours post coitus.

I'm sure I read somewhere that women who have had frequent orgasms while pregnant, tend to have more efficient labors, as it gives the uterus a bit of a contraction workout. Not to mention the strengthening of your pelvic floor muscles, to help with labor and the recovery.



I’m the guy, and my girlfriend is preggers with #2.

Man! Her fucking is absolutely amazing. Her cunt has always been wet, don't get me wrong; but as I'm fucking her now. She will literally spurt her female juices all over me, and the bed. Her orgasms are so much more intense.



I had zero interest in sex while pregnant. My body honestly didn’t feel like my own, and being pregnant felt terrible for 99% of the pregnancy.

We did it when I was trying to naturally induce labor, but it felt kinda like a chore. My man also felt a little weird about poking baby even though he knows it’s irrational. So neither of us were really revving to go.

hopefully romantic


With my ex-wife, after the morning sickness passed, we were in the bedroom the moment that I got home from work everyday. Into the 3rd trimester, I couldn’t keep her off of me. Although, I did have to switch my deodorant, because it was making her nauseous.

Sadly, we split up. Now she’s with another guy and in her 2nd pregnancy.

She told me that the guy she’s with won’t touch her. He called her fat and ugly. His loss, I guess.



My husband just hates preggo sex. it was HELL on us for our first baby. I was ravingly hormonal and my sex drive was insane. and he basically ran and hid whenever he knew i was in the mood, or turned me down. I was distraught a lot.

He never could really explain it; muttered stuff like he didn’t like the belly in the way, or he was not attracted to the shape, or I was heavy.

He admitted that even though he knew it was safe, it was just too weird for him.

I think stress kills his sex drive and he was stressed about becoming a dad in his own nonverbal way. He also flipped out if i mentioned my cervix hurt, or if I had a tiny bit of cervical bleeding from sex, which is normal and not harmful. Despite that we did do it at least once or twice a month, though it was more him grudgingly doing it at my behest, to avoid a fallout.

I was pretty much livid with him all the time and took the whole no sex thing personally, and we fought all the time, mainly with that being the underlying issue.

I was worried it was going to last past pregnancy and that he wouldn’t be able to connect with me as a mother and wife; or worse, not connect with his child.

Anyway, after baby was born, all that stuff didn’t happen, and we got back to having sex 2 weeks after baby was born, and it was good. I had no tears or other trauma, and I pretty much recovered early.

Good luck, if your man has hang-ups like mine did. Maybe buy vibrators and other toys, and tell him about your sexual arousal without him. Show him the monster life-like dildo that fucks your cunt and ask him if his lovely cock is more dangerous than the  monster rubber dildo you’ve been slamming into your cunt every afternoon.



It almost killed me.

From about three months ,along right up until our daughter was born, my wife was ravenous. Morning and night, weekend nooners, she could not get enough.

 It took all of my strength and will, to barely keep up. I seriously wondered sometimes if I was going to survive it.

Five stars and would recommend! I would choose death by cowgirl, all over again.

punks mostly dead


During my first pregnancy, we both were worried it could cause a miscarriage or premature labor. Where we came up with that notion I can’t remember. We did have sex but it was slower and not as often.

The second time around the pregnancy was high risk and I was sick all during the first trimester, so we didn’t have sex at all, in those weeks.

But by the second trimester I was insatiable. I was never really uncomfortable because we tried different positions and improved our rhythms to make it pleasurable for both of us.



My wife is just in her 1st trimester with our 1st baby. We have had sex once in the past month. She's pretty nauseous, but I am crossing my fingers that once she feels better, she might be more interested.

I always hoped she would be a horny pregnant person, and not an uncomfortable pregnant person.

Mood Shoes

Pregnancy sex was the absolute best sex ever, during my first pregnancy.

My second pregnancy, I was pregnant with twins and threw up nonstop for 34 weeks. I was definitely not feeling the heat that pregnancy.

orange star


It was bad. I always felt like I was making my baby have sex.



My ‘ex’ refused to have sex with me when I was pregnant.

up your bum chum


The Mrs. completely turned off sex. I think we only did it twice the entire pregnancy.



I Don't know if you worry about this as well, but my husband's distaste for pregnancy really kind of kept him from doing anything like even rubbing my belly, feeling kicks, spooning with me while holding my belly. He didnt even like me spooning him with my belly pressed to him, talking to baby thru my belly, or any of those gushy things i really HOPED for him to do.

Basically I freaked out that if he couldn't connect to baby while I was pregnant he would not be able to connect when she was there, or be there for me in labor.

Luckily he was a fabulous labor partner, and was a true rock for me for the 24 hours of my misery, and he was the best daddy ever! From the start, he and our daughter are inseparable and it’s ridiculous how devoted he is to her.



With my ex it was great! she was constantly in the mood, anytime we weren’t working, we were in our apartment having sex in every room.

In my new marriage, we didn’t really have frequent sex before this pregnancy; and now during it, sex went down even further so.

tay wil


It was like my genitals turned off. They just didn't get aroused, didn't respond to touch; nothing.

I was worried I'd lost the ability to orgasm forever. Thankfully, it did come back, a few months after giving birth.

High Fives For Dayz


Sexy and amazing.

A lot of incredible anal stuff that she initiated, and so many her-initiated two-a-days.

Very happy penis, very happy testicles, and a very happy wife.

Daniel In frangible


Fucking amazing. I’m stunned I didn’t get pregnant again during the pregnancies. I’m preggo now, and despite the morning sickness it’s great.

Also zero worries about pulling out or condoms.

My only gripe is I don’t think I look as good, I’m plump and my face has gone dark this time. But well, I don’t have to look at me and my partner looks as good as ever.

Also sex after the birth (after all the bleeding is over), is pretty good too. I haven’t asked my current man how he feels about the changes because he is a bit reserved about discussing sexual topics. My ex-husband though, felt preggo sex was the best, both with me and his current wife.

The dude just had to tell me.

One more thing, ladies, if you’re making your guy wait weeks before fucking (post-partum), you can still use your hands and mouth to keep him content and attentive.

And he can find creative ways to pleasure you, too.



Me and my ex were expecting a baby boy in July 2021. She was a quite different animal when it came to sex. She wanted to do it every minute of the day, and I kept up with her for the most part.

But after she had our baby, she wanted it more than I could handle. Somewhere down the line she lost feelings and we broke up.

But yeah that's how it was when she was pregnant. Latinas be tripping!

deadly scone


There’s three moods during pregnancy for me:

·         Horny

·         Hungry

·         Exhausted



When my wife was told in the 9th month; that sex and orgasms were a sure fire way to get induce labor, I couldn’t keep her off of me. It was wonderful. A little extra discharge but nothing gross.

Magickal Fuck Frog


I remember my wife’s Obstetrician was always insisting we have sex. She said something about it being good for the pregnancy. But we never did. Can’t do sex in front of a kid, you know.



Both times I was pregnant, I became unable to orgasm around the second trimester, and that lasted through weaning.

Sex was still enjoyable, but my drive was also way down.

Oh, and first trimester I was too pukey for sex anyhow.

When my drive came back, though, it came back with a vengeance.

sane dragon


My ex-wife loved it. Her orgasms were multiple as well.

But fucking was limited to cowgirl or from the side.

It was nice, knowing that there's no more trying for a kid.

unbiased asian


My husband had a real pregnancy fetish; that is, until I got pregnant .

I guess he loved the glow of a pregnant woman, and the thought of sex with a pregnant woman, but he didn't really enjoy it when the time came.

He was creeped out by his baby being right there. For both pregnancies, once I started really showing, we pretty much stopped having sex.



 I loved it, & would recommend lotsa great sex, if you plan on having children.

Oh, and it’s just so care-free! We went from that phase of being careful trying to prevent pregnancy. Then to that phase where we had a task to accomplish and sex started feeling like a mandate.

But pregnancy sex with a glowing hot wife carrying your child and loving on your cock twice as often, after the nausea stage ends.

Neighborhood No


My ex-wife tried to break me every day for the last six months.

Independent Ok


Golly. After my 1st trimester, when I could actually hold down water and food, I was horny as hell. All I wanted was spicy food, and spicy bedroom action.



After the first trimester, it was amazing. My wife felt sexy (which she was!), with the raging hormones and it made the whole experience great

silver fire


I Got lightly sprayed with breast milk during the latter stages. Hormones be cray!



So good! And I swear it kept me from going past my due date. We had sex within hours of my water breaking for both of my babies.

Print Own


From a man’s perspective, it was great. The hormones she was releasing (is that called pheromones?) it made me go primal. I’ve never been hornier and have wanted her as much as I did when she was pregnant.



My guy was reluctant, so I told him that after the baby is born he'll be lucky if he gets laid once a month, if at all, so he better get it while he can.

Besides, do you have to have intercourse? Does he think oral is dangerous too? Do something sexual together, so you can stay connected.

Merrickan Girl


My wife’s last trimester for our third/last baby girl, she was down-right forcing me at times  to make daily deposits every morning before I left for work.

She was so serious, she wanted that baby out yesterday. At least that’s the urgent reason she always gave me!



It was nice during first pregnancy. Second pregnancy, it was good up until 3rd trimester.

Lightning crotch made it so that if we did have sex, any movement would be severely painful for the next 2-3 days.

Wut Smith is This


Sex was Frequent. My wife was prego with twins and we’d have sex a lot more than when we didn’t have kids. There weren’t much options for positions though.

Poor boy was wedged into her pelvis. Luckily my dicks not long, or he would have came out with black eyes.

Health Ok


Sex was great. Pregnancy hormones sure did a number on me. I was horny 24 7, and we stayed sexually active daily until the day before labor, with both kids.



God I miss those days. Makes me want to knock her up again.

Big Thisty Beast


Nothing to brag about during the pregnancy. I had early complications, so no intercourse. Just stimulation is aggravating for 20 weeks.

But the first time after that post 6 week appointment. I needed a bottle of wine, first ;cause I was not prepared at all. But I NEEDED that dick.

We both finished, and he was so happy and out of breath. I just started sobbing so bad. Crying like a crocodile because it was so good after like a year of blah.

 Tears of joy. Such a weird experience. Fucking hormones.



Male here, and I loved it . Her tits were big and full, and she had a really healthy “glow“ to her.

Best of all there was no worries about getting her pregnant any more. No rubbers or birth control of any kind; just all out natural sex . Wonderful!

Dead Red



My Husband was super super into it, and made me feel so sexy! Even though it was obvious I was huge.


Beatrix Kidd


Pretty crazy. Some ,then none, then more than I could take.

In the last month she was insatiable.

Afterwards it was quite a few months before she resumed.

planet 1


My wife was huge and beautiful and I could not keep my hands off her.

spokey man


I was on an antidepressant called Venlafaxine, the year before getting pregnant, and was unable to have orgasms because of it.

Six months after no longer taking it, I still couldn't enjoy sex.

I somehow still became pregnant and all of a sudden I could feel again. So it was quite lovely.

I had lots of catching up to do.



Been a long time for me but my wife was always craving it and the further along she got, the wilder it was.

She even wanted it as she began labor, before going to the hospital.

The nurses were laughing because she didn’t get ‘cleaned up’ time before getting to the hospital.

I was absolutely delighted every time she told me she was pregnant, cause well you can guess.



It was great! I was a lot more confident about my body, actually.

I generally really enjoyed it.

It’s after the baby is born that it’s not so great, due to delivery recovery, and hormones, and a kid cock-blocking all the time.


Fucking awesome!

With kid #5 I was a sex slave for nearly the whole time.

She was always so hot so we kept the window open during the winter. It was the coldest winter in decades where we live.

I never thought I would enjoy freezing my ass of so much. She was ravenous; at all hours.



I was reluctant to do it. I Found my wife really attractive while she was pregnant, but I was genuinely worried about hitting the baby with my cock; despite it being scientifically impossible.



It was weird. Not bad weird but the body does some crazy things. The bigger I got, the more I could feel my uterus contracting after an orgasm. It was unsettling until I called my OB and was like “Excuse me but what the fuck” or something like that. She told me it was normal and not to worry. Stay hydrated and it won’t be as noticeable.

Towards the end of my pregnancy, I was so desperate to get my daughter out. Semen can start the dilation process, so sex was just a way to evacuate her from the hot tub party that was my uterus.



My wife and I remember this fondly.

Her hormones were absolutely raging and she was horny pretty much all the time. I've never had more sex than when my wife was pregnant. She was insatiable and wetter than I've ever seen her.

We had to do this sideways maneuver when she got way pregnant because she couldn't breathe if she was on her back and obviously she couldn't lay on her stomach. But it worked for us.

Then you can't do it for at least 6 weeks after your kid is born and you go into sex withdrawal. And my wife had postpartum pretty severely, so it was even longer after that.

Cosmic Pope


I’m Currently pregnant. My hormones are raging and I feel like I'm constantly pulling my partner in the bedroom.

Physically & emotionally, the hormones are going on all circuitry, so I'm loving it.



I absolutely loved it. She was so physically, hormonally and emotionally into it that the sex itself was great.

Plus, a pregnant woman is just a beautiful thing, like a damn sunset. So, all around, five stars

Edith Whart


Awesome. She was horned up all the time. She would wake me up in the middle of the night, ride me like a Harley, and then we’d have a midnight snack.

Stupid Old


My doctor encouraged us! It's great stress relief, because being pregnant wasn't easy (at least for me). I was pretty much assured it was pretty darn impossible to harm the fetus with sex. Also, it works pretty great to bring on labor when you're 5 days overdue. So if the doc is telling me to have sex when I'm 10 months preggers, I'm pretty sure it was okay at 6 months.

My sex life didn't ramp up during pregnancy; it definitely slowed down, but we still were pretty regular! And yes, you need to let your body heal after having the baby (6-8 weeks is generally the recommendation) but we got back on track after week 6 (and I had a C-Section).

 The only difference is, now there is a kid in the mix so trying to find the time is so much harder (and can be frustrating when you're planning on some exciting festivities and about 5 mins in, a little someone decides to wake up early and scream until picked up). To solve this, we now plan for sex (sounds so unromantic but it really isn't).

We try for at least one night a week (kiddo now sleeps 12 hours and has since 3 months - he's 9 months now) where we spend the entire evening on each other. Any other chances we get during the week are bonus - showers, early morning quickies, etc.

Have faith! And seriously, if your man rejects your advances, citing fears about the baby, have a real professional talk to your husband about his fears - they are totally unfounded and it would be interested to see where he has formed them.



The truth is that I was never much in the mood when she was pregnant. Not because she was about twice as big as usual, but because she was a fucking bitch for nine months, not that I can blame her.
